Sycamore will be joining multiple downtown venues for the Hayward Lit Hop event on Saturday April 30th! The event begins at the Hayward Library Heritage Plaza at 3 PM, and will be showcasing a variety of local writers groups performing at various venues.All ages are welcome. Free and Open to the Public.
Reading events will include presentations from the B Street Writers, local chapters of mystery and horror writing societies, the Afro Surrealists, the Beta Writers, students from Chabot College, the Queer Writers, the Peer Writing Group, a tribute to Julia Vinograd and a Ghosts of Babar show.
We’ll initially kick off the event at Hayward’s Heritage Plaza with Hayward’s first Youth Poet Laureate. Then journey Downtown to a variety of events over the next few hours at venues including the Odd Fellows Lodge, the Turf Club, Aranea’s Craft Studio, the Pizza House, Books on B, and Yoga Sociale.
Join us for the 7 PM After-Party at the Sun Gallery, including music, food and refreshments, while viewing the Climate Change Art exhibit.
See full Schedule here: https://haywardlithop.com These are the groups speaking at the lodge:
5:00 – 5:45pm: Ghosts of Babar – Featuring a diverse group of experienced poetic voices each of whom were present for the notorious Café Babar readings in San Francisco in the 1980’s and 90’s.
6:00 – 6:45pm: Between Spirit and Stone: A Julia Vinograd Tribute Screening & Reading – A tribute to iconic, bubble-blowing Berkeley poet Julia Vinograd featuring an excerpt from an in-progress documentary on her life and work, followed by readings of her most cherished poems.
This will be a fun way to gather, meet your neighbors and discover their talents, and hear some cool writing while supporting local businesses!