Hi, friends. Here’s your monthly Sycamore Odd Fellows lodge newsletter. Please excuse the delay. The 2024 lodge calendar is also on the lodge website here.
Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications Zoom
Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship. If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at fgoulart@pacbell.net . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play.

Presentation: Overcoming Capitalism, Tom Wetzel on Fri. 11/22 at 6-7pm at Starr King
Sycamore members and friends are invited to an event at Starr King Unitarian Universalist Church in Hayward on Friday Nov. 22 from 6-7 pm. Free! Starr King UU Church is thrilled to host a talk with Q&A and book signing with Tom Wetzel, author of Overcoming Capitalism, Strategy for the Working Class in the 21st Century. He writes, “We live in a capitalist society. But what are its core features? How could we possibly replace it? I’ll provide some brief answers to these questions.”After the talk Tom will field questions and then sign books. Our favorite independent bookseller, Renee Rettig of Books on B in Hayward, will be there to sell the books.For more information, click on the link below.Presentation: Overcoming Capitalism, Tom Wetzel – Starr King Unitarian Universalist Church https://starrking.churchcenter.com/calendar/event/170412418 Presentation: Overcoming Capitalism, Tom Wetzel – Starr King Unitarian …A presentation and Q&A with coffee and book signing after. Tom Wetzel, author of Overcoming Capitalism, Strate… |
East Bay Symphonic Band: Annual Holiday Open Rehearsal Mon. 12/2 at 7:30 pm
The East Bay Symphonic Band invites Sycamore members and friends to their Annual Holiday Open Rehearsal on Monday, Dec 2 at 7:30 pm. This will be the full band plus some chamber music, playing holiday music. Cookies, cider, tea, coffee and hot cocoa will be served afterward.

Game Night Sat. Dec. 7 at 6 pm!
Game Night usually meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. Everyone is invited!

Social & Business Meeting Mon. 11/11 at 6:30/7:30 pm
Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting. Let Noble Grand Sarah Hartman sarah.a.hartman@gmail.com or Secretary Laura Brady laurabeanbrady@gmail.com know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. The agenda was sent out Saturday – see that email for details about needing to be in person for certain voting reasons.

EBSB Flute Choir Holiday Concert in San Lorenzo on Sun. Dec. 15 at 2 pm. Free!
The East Bay Symphonic Band invites Sycamore members and friends to enjoy chamber music from their Flute Choir and Horn Quartet at a holiday concert at the San Lorenzo library on Sunday, December 15 at 2 pm. Free!
The flute choir has grown to 19 members, and they now feature a contra bass flute! They also use bass flutes, alto flutes, piccolos and regular c flutes, and sometimes add piano and drums. It’s a whole orchestra of flutes in different sizes! This will be their 3rd performance this year at this library. It’s a very nice library and they always have a great audience.

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth,
Julie Machado
Sycamore #129
Communications Committee