Hi, friends. There’s a lot going on in March & April. Check out some events at Sycamore and also at other local lodges!
Peace & Pizza Fri. 3/14 at 7 pm
Peace & Pizza meets monthly, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger, oceankayak@aol.com

Vallejo lodge is hosting a St. Paddy’s
Dance & Rummage Sale Fri. 3/14, and
Rummage Sale Sat. 3/15
(See two flyers below)

Fremont lodge hosting St. Patrick’s Day 3/17
Mission Peak Odd Fellows & Silver Star Rebekahs in Fremont are hosting Dinner in Fremont on St. Patrick’s Day at the Irvington IOOF Hall. Free meal if you bring a Potluck dish, otherwise $5. For dishes and RSVP and more, see: https://missionpeak114.org/events-projects/

Game Night Sat. 4/1 CANCELED
Sycamore’s Game Night is CANCELED for April. Game Night usually meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. Everyone is invited!
Sycamore hosting IOOF Seminar on 4/12
Sycamore will be hosting an IOOF educational seminar on Saturday April 12 from about 10-3pm (members only). If you would like to learn about all things Odd Fellows, this will be your opportunity! RSVP required (see flyer).

Social & Business Meeting Mon. 4/14 at 6:30/7:30 pm
Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social and dinner starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30.
This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting. Let Secretary Laura Brady at secretarysycamore129@gmail.com know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss.

Grand Celebration 4/15:
175 years of California Odd Fellowship
There will be a Grand Celebration on April 15 in San Jose. See more info here: A Grand District 107 Party: April 15, 2025 – Silicon Valley Odd Fellows

Requests & Dedications Zoom: New Times
Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on every Monday through Thursday at 12-1:30pm and Fridays 1-2pm. (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship. Bring your harmonica or other instrument, or sing along! If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at fgoulart@pacbell.net . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play.

Sycamore Lodge participates in
Hayward Lit Hop 4/26
Sycamore Lodge will be hosting readings again for the Hayward Lit Hop on 4/26.
WE WILL NEED LODGE MEMBERS TO HELP: basically, to help the public find the lodge and the lodge room, where the readings will be. If you can help, please put it on your calendar and contact HaywardLitHop@gmail.com . See more info here:

Three Links Camp 2025 Festival in June
Three Links Camp 2025 Festival will be on June 27-29, at 21950 Three Links Rd., Mi Wuk Village CA 95346. The flyer with info and activities was sent out with the Agenda for the Feb. Sycamore lodge meeting…if you would like a copy, please respond to this newsletter and I will forward it to you. See more about Three Links Camp here: https://www.caioof.org/three_links_camp

New Fremont Lodge Mission Peak #114 Website
With the help of Sycamore Lodge in Hayward sharing an easy wordpress template (thanks Carl!), the Fremont Odd Fellows Mission Peak 114 and Rebekah Silver Star 336 now have a website. The most important pages are finished, and, though minor details will be added, we’d like you to update any directory you might possess that mentions our Lodge with this new domain address:
On the website above you will notice our monthly socials and special events. Please share!
As always, Friendship, Love & Truth,
Julie Machado
Sycamore #129Communications Committee
Hayward Odd Fellows