Odd Fellows is a non-profit fraternal organization which seeks to provide fellowship to men and women, and benefits to our community.

The Hayward Odd Fellows Lodge, called Sycamore #129, is especially interested in the arts and music, in taking care of our historic building, and in supporting other local non-profit groups.
Our 2023 Officers:
- Noble Grand Ted Seitz
- Vice Grand Gus Wedemeyer
- Secretary Laura Brady
- Treasurer Jon Dickinson

Our members have a wide variety of interests – from poetry to computers to dancing to hiking – and we offer many events throughout the year, including:
• Monthly Music Jams
• Yearly Youth Chamber Music Project
• Summer Concert Series at the Plunge
• Young Muralists Project
• Monthly Dinners at the lodge
• Band Rehearsals
• La Honda Music Camp Scholarships
• PFLAG Meetings
• Billiard Room
• Game Nights
• Day Hikes
• Dance Programs (tentative)
• Writing and Poetry Programs, Poetry slams (tentative)
• Tech Nights (tentative)
• Chess Club (tentative)
If any of these or other projects interest you, join us and help make them happen! And yes, we do try to enjoy being “odd”!

Sycamore Lodge Facebook!
Check out the Hayward Sycamore Lodge Facebook page! Please “like” us! Invite your friends!

Sycamore’s Voluntary Accessibility Upgrade Project
You should see the inside of the lodge – the Museum room, Game room, Dining Room, Anteroom, Foyer, and entrance to the dining hall have all been painted. Pictures are hung. The chair lift to the dining hall is complete.
Online Payment Page!
Members and guests can pay dues ($80 / year) or make donations online! Use this link to get to the payment page of Sycamore Lodge #129.

Other Donations Welcome!
If you would like to donate more than spare change, go to our online payment page and make either a charitable contribution to our educational and charitable activities, or a donation to the lodge to help with the elevator! If you prefer to donate the old-fashioned way, send a check to: Sycamore Lodge, P.O. Box 125, Hayward CA 94543.