No Session planned for Summer 2024

Chamber Music is music for a small group of 2 to 10 musicians, each playing a different part, played without a conductor.
Scroll to the bottom of this page to enjoy some videos from past performances.
Due to family commitments of the Directors, there will be no Summer Chamber Music in 2024.
Every summer since 2011 (except for the Pandemic), Sycamore Lodge has held a free two-week chamber music workshop in our 1868 building for string music high school students in the area. At the end of the time, the lodge room served as a concert hall for a performance attended by parents, friends, lodge members, and the general public.
Lodge Members Ted Seitz, Cathy O’Connor, and Cindy Lewis served as the Committee for the Program. Lodge Members volunteered their time and muscle to make it work. Through independent funding, we paid the professional music coaches who worked with the students.
We are skipping this summer, due to family commitments on the part of our Committee.
We’re not sure if we will be reviving it in 2025, but stay tuned!
Ted Seitz
(510) 538-3801
Cathy O’Connor
(510) 209-2019