Music & Art in Hayward Memorial Park!
Enjoy our 2022 12th Annual Summer Concert Series
Sundays from 1-5pm! • Free Admission
Hayward Odd Fellows Sycamore Lodge #129is partnering with H.A.R.D. and local non-profits for the 12th Annual Summer Concert Series on a series of Sundays from August to September at the Hayward Memorial Park. The concerts are held in the outdoor amphitheater behind the Hayward Plunge indoor swim center.
Enjoy a variety of musicsuch as Blues, Big Band & Jazz, Original “Feel Good Music”, and Rock ‘n’ Roll! Bring a blanket or lawn chairs, a picnic (no alcohol), and enjoy an afternoon in the park with Music, Art, & Dance! Kids of all ages are welcome to come create chalk art! Refreshments will be available for purchase with donations (cash only).
All activities will be at the Hayward Memorial Park, 24176 Mission Blvd. The program runs from 1-5pm on most Sundays from August 7 through September 25. Admission is free. A tot lot is nearby, as is a lovely hiking trail, tennis courts and plenty of free parking. This magnificent local park is managed by the Hayward Area Parks and Recreation District, the premier agency in the greater Hayward area.
Each event will showcase and benefit one of our area’s fine 501c3 nonprofit groups, which do much of the heavy lifting in the community. All donations received go to the featured 501c3 non-profit of the day and are tax deductible.
Sunday, August 7: Swing with the 3 O’Clock Jump big band,and rock out with The Carisbrook Complex. Enjoy refreshments by celebrity chef Hayward City Council Member Francisco Zermeno. All proceeds benefit the Sun Gallery www.sungallery.org
Sunday, August 14: Uncle Rico’s with the Hypnotones, Mike Meagher’s Music Machine, Flynn Martin, Brown & Lee, Scotty Rock n Roll and Spirit Flute. All proceeds benefit the Young Murialist Program
Sunday, August 21: Ozone Pranksters with Gary O and Kenny Meagher, Gravity+4, and Karen Soo Hoo. All proceeds benefit the HARD Foundation with celebrity chefs Paul Hodges, Dennis Waespi and Jim Wheeler www.haywardrec.org/191
Sunday, August 28: Joe Kady, Dee Smith & Friends, and Kari & the SweetspOts, with celebrity chef Hayward City Council Member Mark Salinas. All proceeds benefit the South Hayward Parish http://southhaywardparish.org
Sunday, September 11: The La Honda All Stars perform, alumni from many years of music camp. All proceeds benefit the Hayward-La Honda Music Camp www.lahondamusiccamp.com
Sunday, September 18: Giant Garage Spiders, Chris Marquis and Sycamore 129 Blues Band. All proceeds benefit the Family Emergency Shelter Coalition (FESCO) http://fescofamilyshelter.org
Sunday, September 25: East Bay Youth Orchestra, East Bay Symphonic Band, and Flute Choir benefiting the East Bay Youth Orchestra www.ebyo.org
These concerts are sponsored by H.A.R.D. and Hayward Odd Fellows Sycamore Lodge #129 www.HaywardLodge.org . Thank you also to co-sponsors Berkeley Lodge #270 and Pacheco Lodge #117.
Hayward Odd Fellows Sycamore Lodge #129 was re-formed in 2010 with a focus on supporting music and arts in the community, as well as doing other good work and providing good fellowship. For more about the lodge, see www.HaywardLodge.org.
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows is a worldwide fraternal organization that believes in Friendship, Love and Truth; in making the world a better place; and in supporting community. For more about I.O.O.F, see www.ioof.org. We are celebrating over 200 Years of Odd Fellowship in the U.S. Musicians, artists, dancers, guest chefs, and food servers are all donating their time for these events.