All posts by Julie Machado

Newsletter March 2025

Hi, friends. There’s a lot going on in March & April. Check out some events at Sycamore and also at other local lodges!


Peace & Pizza Fri. 3/14 at 7 pm 

Peace & Pizza meets monthly, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger, 


Vallejo lodge is hosting a St. Paddy’s 

Dance & Rummage Sale Fri. 3/14, and 

Rummage Sale Sat. 3/15

(See two flyers below)


Fremont lodge hosting St. Patrick’s Day 3/17

Mission Peak Odd Fellows & Silver Star Rebekahs in Fremont are hosting Dinner in Fremont on St. Patrick’s Day at the Irvington IOOF Hall. Free meal if you bring a Potluck dish, otherwise $5. For dishes and RSVP and more, see:


Game Night Sat. 4/1 CANCELED

Sycamore’s Game Night is CANCELED for April. Game Night usually meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. Everyone is invited!


Sycamore hosting IOOF Seminar on 4/12

Sycamore will be hosting an IOOF educational seminar on Saturday April 12 from about 10-3pm (members only). If you would like to learn about all things Odd Fellows, this will be your opportunity! RSVP required (see flyer).   


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 4/14 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social and dinner starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. 

This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Secretary Laura Brady at know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. 


Grand Celebration 4/15: 

175 years of California Odd Fellowship

There will be a Grand Celebration on April 15 in San Jose. See more info here:  A Grand District 107 Party: April 15, 2025 – Silicon Valley Odd Fellows


Requests & Dedications Zoom: New Times

Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on every Monday through Thursday at 12-1:30pm and Fridays 1-2pm. (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship. Bring your harmonica or other instrument, or sing along! If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Sycamore Lodge participates in 

Hayward Lit Hop 4/26

Sycamore Lodge will be hosting readings again for the Hayward Lit Hop on 4/26. 

WE WILL NEED LODGE MEMBERS TO HELP: basically, to help the public find the lodge and the lodge room, where the readings will be. If you can help, please put it on your calendar and contact . See more info here: 


Three Links Camp 2025 Festival in June

Three Links Camp 2025 Festival will be on June 27-29, at 21950 Three Links Rd., Mi Wuk Village CA 95346. The flyer with info and activities was sent out with the Agenda for the Feb. Sycamore lodge meeting…if you would like a copy, please respond to this newsletter and I will forward it to you. See more about Three Links Camp here: 


New Fremont Lodge Mission Peak #114 Website

With the help of Sycamore Lodge in Hayward sharing an easy wordpress template (thanks Carl!), the Fremont Odd Fellows Mission Peak 114 and Rebekah Silver Star 336 now have a website. The most important pages are finished, and, though minor details will be added, we’d like you to update any directory you might possess that mentions our Lodge with this new domain address:

On the website above you will notice our monthly socials and special events. Please share! 

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie Machado

Sycamore #129Communications Committee

Hayward Odd Fellows

Newsletter Feb. 2025

Hi, friends. 

Happy Lunar New Year: 2025 the year of the Snake!

Here’s your monthly Sycamore Odd Fellows lodge newsletter. 


Game Night Sat. 2/1 at 6 pmGame Night is ON for January! Game Nightusually meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. Everyone is invited!


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 2/10 at 6:30/7:30 pmOur monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social and dinner starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. 

This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Secretary Laura Brady at know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. 


Peace & Pizza Fri. 2/14 at 7 pm 

Peace & Pizza meets monthly, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger, oceankayak@aol.comThis meeting will be rescheduled guest speaker Phil Tourney, author of “Holocaust on the High Seas” about the USS Liberty attack and its aftermath.


Requests & Dedications Zoom: New Times!

Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on every Monday through Thursday at 12-1:30pm and Fridays 1-2pm. (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship. Bring your harmonica or other instrument, or sing along! If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie MachadoSycamore #129Communications CommitteeHayward Odd Fellows

Newsletter Jan. 2025

Hi, friends. Happy New Year: 2025! 

Here’s your monthly Sycamore Odd Fellows lodge newsletter. 


Lodge Cleanup 1/4 Sat. afternoonSycamore Member and building manager extraordinaire Jon Dickinson is leading some cleaning and organizing at the lodge before Saturday’s Game Night, and welcomes anyone who wants to join in. He plans to be there as early as 1 pm. Come join the fun and friendship!


Game Night Sat. 1/4 at 6 pmGame Night is ON for January! Game Nightusually meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. Everyone is invited!


Peace & Pizza Fri. 1/10 at 7 pm 

Peace & Pizza meets monthly, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger,


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 1/13 at 6:30/7:30 pmOur monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social and dinner starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. 

This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Secretary Laura Brady at know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. 


Requests & Dedications Zoom: New Times!

Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on every Monday through Thursday at 12:30-1:30pm and Fridays 1-2pm. (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie MachadoSycamore #129Communications Committee

Newsletter Dec. 2024

Hi, friends. Here’s your monthly Sycamore Odd Fellows lodge newsletter. The 2024 lodge calendar is also on the lodge website here


Game Night Sat. Dec. 7 at 6 pm!

Game Night is ON for December! Game Night usually meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. Everyone is invited!

Also, that same day, Light Up the Season, the annual downtown Hayward winter-time celebration and tree lighting ceremony, is returning to the City Hall rotunda and plaza the afternoon and evening of Saturday, Dec. 7, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., with some new attractions. Join the festivities early, and then come to Sycamore’s Game Night! Fun in downtown Hayward! Find out more here:


EBYO Free Sensory-Friendly Concert Sun. 12/8

East Bay Youth Orchestra (EBYO) is having a FREE sensory-friendly concert Sunday afternoon, 4 pm, at the new HUSD Performing Arts Center. It will be about an hour long, and is meant to be a safe place for people with sensory challenges, meaning that behaviors not acceptable at a normal concert are accepted at this one so families can enjoy holiday music together.


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 12/9 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social and dinner starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. 
Sycamore #129 has the honor this month of hosting our state Grand Master Dave Reed and Deputy District Grand Master (and Sycamore Associate member) Jon Hart. We will be hosting a dinner before the meeting, and we will also likely have some guests from other lodges.

This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Sarah Hartman  or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. 


Peace & Pizza Fri. 12/13 at 7 pm 

Sycamore members and friends are invited to join Peace & Pizza for a Zoom meeting featuring  the docu-drama movie, “A Day Without A Mexican“. Peace & Pizza meets monthly, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger, . Please contact Stephania if you have questions.


EBSB Flute Choir Holiday Concert in San Lorenzo on Sun. Dec. 15 at 2 pm. Free! 

The East Bay Symphonic Band invites Sycamore members and friends to  enjoy chamber music from their Flute Choir and Horn Quartet at a holiday concert at the San Lorenzo library on Sunday, December 15 at 2 pm. Free!
The flute choir has grown to 19 members, and they now feature a contra bass flute! They also use bass flutes, alto flutes, piccolos and regular c flutes, and sometimes add piano and drums. It’s a whole orchestra of flutes in different sizes!  This will be their 3rd performance this year at this library. It’s a very nice library and they always have a great audience. 


Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications Zoom 

Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Please take HUSD Budget Priorities Survey

Request for help – Protect the Arts in the Budget Priorities Survey for 

Hayward Unified School District (closes Dec 12)

Good evening Friends in the Sycamore Lodge,

Hayward Unified currently has a budget shortfall and has made available a budget priorities survey that closes on Thursday, December 12. As a community member, please consider using the survey to bolster Arts education in the face of budget cuts. The priority item would be “Theatre, Dance, Music, and Art”. 

  • The superintendent will host another budget town hall this Saturday at King Middle School at 10:30AM, for more information. Everyone is invited to attend.
  • As a community member, please complete the budget priorities survey. It’s important that district leadership hear from all voices in the community. It takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
  • There is an FAQ on the Budget Solutions webpage. The district will continually update it in the coming weeks.

The items on the budget priorities are subject to cuts for the 2025-2026 school year, to address our district’s budget shortfall. Many school districts across California are facing similar budget challenges. Some have taken more extreme steps by closing schools. For example, Alum Rock was in the news just this week for closing 6 campuses.  Fortunately Hayward is not going down the path of school closures, however it still needs to make significant adjustments elsewhere. 

My students at Winton Middle School in Hayward have experienced first hand the benefits and opportunities made possible through an arts education, as evidenced through school concerts, their overall dispositions toward music and growth through our lessons every week, and additional creative and expressive experiences that they have sought to enrich their life like participation in the local youth orchestra and CMEA honor choir. Arts education provides students with transformative learning experiences that inspire them to achieve at the highest levels. It establishes a dynamic and inclusive environment where students feel empowered to explore their creative potential, and every learner is supported and encouraged to reach their goals. Students develop technical skill and artistry alongside a lifelong appreciation for the arts.  The arts give students a means to connect with their community, often through live performances for a variety of occasions. In this way, the arts are a vital part of Hayward Unified and we must provide steadfast support when faced with upcoming budget cuts.Please guide our district leadership on budget decisions by completing the budget survey. We hope that you consider ranking the Arts toward the top of the list! You can share the survey with other community members to strengthen support for this cause. 

Last, these are the budget priority items included on the survey:

  • Non-classroom support staff at schools
  • Parent outreach & engagement
  • Theatre, Dance, Music, and Art ****
  • School safety
  • Maintain specialized programs at current locations
  • Lower class sizes
  • Competitive salaries and benefits
  • Staff at the District Office
  • Professional Development/Training
  • Mental and behavioral health support
  • Athletics
  • Extra academic support classes or credit recovery
  • Free transportation

Thank you so much for your time and consideration,
Melanie Work

Music Teacher

Winton Middle School

(and Sycamore #129 member)


As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie Machado

Sycamore #129 Communications Committee

Newsletter Nov. 2024

Hi, friends. Here’s your monthly Sycamore Odd Fellows lodge newsletter. Please excuse the delay. The 2024 lodge calendar is also on the lodge website here


Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications Zoom 

Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Presentation: Overcoming Capitalism, Tom Wetzel on Fri. 11/22 at 6-7pm at Starr King

Sycamore members and friends are invited to an event at Starr King Unitarian Universalist Church in Hayward on Friday Nov. 22 from 6-7 pm. Free!

Starr King UU Church is thrilled to host a talk with Q&A and book signing with Tom Wetzel, author of Overcoming Capitalism, Strategy for the Working Class in the 21st Century. He writes, “We live in a capitalist society. But what are its core features? How could we possibly replace it? I’ll provide some brief answers to these questions.”After the talk Tom will field questions and then sign books. Our favorite independent bookseller, Renee Rettig of Books on B in Hayward, will be there to sell the books.For more information, click on the link below.Presentation: Overcoming Capitalism, Tom Wetzel – Starr King Unitarian Universalist Church
Presentation: Overcoming Capitalism, Tom Wetzel – Starr King Unitarian …A presentation and Q&A with coffee and book signing after. Tom Wetzel, author of Overcoming Capitalism, Strate…


East Bay Symphonic Band: Annual Holiday Open Rehearsal Mon. 12/2 at 7:30 pm 

The East Bay Symphonic Band invites Sycamore members and friends to their Annual Holiday Open Rehearsal on Monday, Dec 2 at 7:30 pm. This will be the full band plus some chamber music, playing holiday music.  Cookies, cider, tea, coffee and hot cocoa will be served afterward. 


Game Night Sat. Dec. 7 at 6 pm!

Game Night usually meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. Everyone is invited!


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 11/11 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Sarah Hartman  or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. The agenda was sent out Saturday – see that email for details about needing to be in person for certain voting reasons.


EBSB Flute Choir Holiday Concert in San Lorenzo on Sun. Dec. 15 at 2 pm. Free! 

The East Bay Symphonic Band invites Sycamore members and friends to  enjoy chamber music from their Flute Choir and Horn Quartet at a holiday concert at the San Lorenzo library on Sunday, December 15 at 2 pm. Free!
The flute choir has grown to 19 members, and they now feature a contra bass flute! They also use bass flutes, alto flutes, piccolos and regular c flutes, and sometimes add piano and drums. It’s a whole orchestra of flutes in different sizes!  This will be their 3rd performance this year at this library. It’s a very nice library and they always have a great audience. 

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie Machado

Sycamore #129

Communications Committee

Newsletter Oct. 2024

Hi, friends. Here’s your monthly Sycamore Odd Fellows lodge newsletter. 

The 2024 lodge calendar is also on the lodge website here


Game Night Sat. Oct. 5 is CANCELLED

Game Night will resume in November. Game Night usually meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. Everyone is invited!


Peace & Pizza Fri. 10/11 at 7 pm 

Peace & Pizza meets monthly, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger,


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 10/14 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Sarah Hartman  or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


3 O’Clock Jump at the Turf Club Sat 10/19 from 2-4pm

We plan to be back in October 19th from 2-4 pm, weather permitting!


Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications Zoom 

Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Halloween Concert Sun 10/27 at 6-9:30pm

The East Bay Symphonic Band is throwing a Halloween bash on Sunday October 27, 2024! Come by for some music and spooky fun!

As always,

Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie Machado

Sycamore #129Communications Committee

Newsletter Sept. 2024

Hi, friends. Here’s your monthly Sycamore Odd Fellows lodge newsletter. 

The 2024 lodge calendar is also on the lodge website here(It’s in jpg/pdf format…we could use someone who knows how to put it into Google Calendar – if you have a bit of time to volunteer, please respond to this email. We are looking for people who want to join the lodge Communications Committee and help with things like the lodge website, newsletter, official emails, publicity, flyers, etc. If you are interested, reply to this email.)


Summer Concert Series continues Sun. 9/8 from 1-5!

The Hayward Odd Fellows Summer Concert Series continues on Sundays through September! Join us for fun-filled afternoons of music for all ages! On 9/8 we are featuring DJ D-REAL. Admission is free. Mayor Mark Salinas will do his famous BBQ. Any donations raised will benefit the Hayward High School Cheerleading Team.

Summer Concert Concert Series

Hayward Odd Fellows Sycamore Lodge #129 is partnering with H.A.R.D. and local non-profits for the 14th Annual Summer Concert Series on a series of Sundays from August to September at the Hayward Memorial Park. The concerts are held in the outdoor amphitheater behind the Hayward Plunge indoor swim center.
Enjoy a variety of music such as Rock, Pop, Blues, Big Band, Jazz, and Original “Feel Good Music”! Bring a blanket or lawn chairs, a picnic (no alcohol), and enjoy an afternoon in the park! Kids of all ages are welcome to come create chalk art! Refreshments may be available for purchase with a donation (all proceeds go to the non-profit of the day).

All activities will be at the Hayward Memorial Park, 24176 Mission Blvd. The program runs from 1-5 pm on most Sundays from August 4 through September 29. Admission is free. A tot lot is nearby, as is a lovely hiking trail, tennis courts, and plenty of free parking. This magnificent local park is managed by the Hayward Area Parks and Recreation District, the premier agency in the greater Hayward area.

We’ve got fun happening almost every Sunday in August and September. We will need volunteers, too, to come and hang out at the Hayward Odd Fellows booth at the events. So please put the dates on your calendar, whether you want to come check it out as an audience member or volunteer! It’s a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon – in the park with friends and music. Come for an hour or for the whole afternoon. Everyone’s invited!


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 9/9 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting. 

Let Noble Grand Sarah Hartman  or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Peace & Pizza Fri. 9/13 at 7 pm 

Peace & Pizza meets monthly, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger,


3 O’Clock Jump at the Turf Club Sat 9/21 CANCELED

We plan to be back in October 19th from 2-4 pm, weather permitting!


Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications Zoom 

Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Sovereign Grand Lodge News

Want to know more about Odd Fellows? What is Sovereign Grand Lodge, you ask? Well, as you know, Sycamore #129 is a local Hayward lodge. Then there is a state-level lodge, which is called Grand Lodge of California – their website is here. The level above that is Sovereign Grand Lodge. Here is their newsletter. You are part of a large fellowship!


IOOF NEWSVisit the post for more.


More Official Odd Fellows Info!

Here are more official Odd Fellows links. Find a lodge near you! Check out the organization on Facebook or Instagram! On other Social Media forums! Blogs! Podcasts! Books! Wow!

Ask Me I May Know

Ask Me I May KnowVisit the post for more.


As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie Machado

Sycamore #129Communications Committee

Newsletter Aug. 2024

Hi, friends. Here’s your monthly Sycamore Odd Fellows lodge newsletter. There are several events this month. The 2024 lodge calendar is also on the lodge website here(It’s in jpg/pdf format…we could use someone who knows how to put it into Google Calendar – if you have a bit of time to volunteer, please respond to this email. We are looking for people who want to join the lodge Communications Committee and help with things like the lodge website, newsletter, official emails, publicity, flyers, etc. If you are interested, reply to this email.)


Game Night Sat. Aug. 3 at 6 pm!

Game Night usually meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. Everyone is invited!


Summer Concert Series starts Sun. 8/4 from 1-5!

The Hayward Odd Fellows Summer Concert Series starts on Sunday! Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of live music for all ages! On 8/4 we are featuring the 3 O’Clock Jump big band, and Carbon Complex (rock). Admission is free. Any donations raised will benefit the H.A.R.D. Foundation.

Hayward Odd Fellows Sycamore Lodge #129 is partnering with H.A.R.D. and local non-profits for the 14th Annual Summer Concert Series on a series of Sundays from August to September at the Hayward Memorial Park. The concerts are held in the outdoor amphitheater behind the Hayward Plunge indoor swim center.

Enjoy a variety of music such as Rock, Pop, Blues, Big Band, Jazz, and Original “Feel Good Music”! Bring a blanket or lawn chairs, a picnic (no alcohol), and enjoy an afternoon in the park! Kids of all ages are welcome to come create chalk art! Refreshments may be available for purchase with a donation (all proceeds go to the non-profit of the day).

All activities will be at the Hayward Memorial Park, 24176 Mission Blvd. The program runs from 1-5 pm on most Sundays from August 4 through September 29. Admission is free. A tot lot is nearby, as is a lovely hiking trail, tennis courts, and plenty of free parking. This magnificent local park is managed by the Hayward Area Parks and Recreation District, the premier agency in the greater Hayward area.

We’ve got fun happening almost every Sunday in August and September. We will need volunteers, too, to come and hang out at the Hayward Odd Fellows booth at the events. So please put the dates on your calendar, whether you want to come check it out as an audience member or volunteer! It’s a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon – in the park with friends and music. Come for an hour or for the whole afternoon. Everyone’s invited!


Social & Business Meeting

Mon. 8/12 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Sarah Hartman  or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Peace & Pizza Fri. 8/16 at 7 pm 

Peace & Pizza meets monthly, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger,


3 O’Clock Jump at the Turf Club Sat 8/17 at 2-4 pmThe fabulous 3 O’Clock Jump big band will be playing in the World Famous Turf Club‘s outdoor Tiki Patio one Saturday a month all Summer! Come enjoy the afternoon, watch some fellow lodge members play music, and have a refreshing beverage. It’s a lovely way to spend an afternoon. Here’s a photo from a prior year, and also their flyer, below.


Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications Zoom 

Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Sovereign Grand Lodge News

Want to know more about Odd Fellows? What is Sovereign Grand Lodge, you ask? Well, as you know, Sycamore #129 is a local Hayward lodge. Then there is a state-level lodge, which is called Grand Lodge of California – their website is here. The level above that is Sovereign Grand Lodge. Here is their newsletter. You are part of a large fellowship!


IOOF NEWSVisit the post for more.


More Official Odd Fellows Info!

Here are more official Odd Fellows links. Find a lodge near you! Check out the organization on Facebook or Instagram! On other Social Media forums! Blogs! Podcasts! Books! Wow!

Ask Me I May Know

Ask Me I May KnowVisit the post for more.


As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie Machado

Sycamore #129

Communications Committee

Newsletter July 2024

Hi, friends. Here’s your monthly Sycamore Odd Fellows lodge newsletter. There are several events this month. The 2024 lodge calendar is also on the lodge website here. (It’s in jpg/pdf format…we could use someone who knows how to put it into Google Calendar – if you have a bit of time to volunteer, please respond to this email.)


No Game Night in July

Game Night will resume in August. Game Night usually meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. 


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 7/8 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Sarah Hartman  or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Peace & Pizza Fri. 7/12 at 7 pm 

Peace & Pizza meets monthly, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger,


3 O’Clock Jump at the Turf Club Sat 7/20 at 2-4 pm

The fabulous 3 O’Clock Jump big band will be playing in the World Famous Turf Club‘s outdoor Tiki Patio one Saturday a month all Summer! Come enjoy the afternoon, watch some fellow lodge members play music, and have a refreshing beverage. It’s a lovely way to spend an afternoon. Here’s a photo from a prior year, and also their flyer, below.


Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications Zoom 

Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Summer Concert Series

Hot off the presses – the final schedule for the Hayward Odd Fellows Summer Concert Series is here! We’ve got fun happening almost every Sunday in August and September. We will need volunteers, too, to come and hang out at the Hayward Odd Fellows booth at the events. So please put the dates on your calendar, whether you want to come check it out as an audience member or volunteer! It’s a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon – in the park with friends and music. 


Sovereign Grand Lodge NewsWant to know more about Odd Fellows? What is Sovereign Grand Lodge, you ask? Well, as you know, Sycamore #129 is a local Hayward lodge. Then there is a state-level lodge, which is called Grand Lodge of California – their website is here. The level above that is Sovereign Grand Lodge. Here is their newsletter. You are part of a large fellowship!


IOOF NEWSVisit the post for more.


More Official Odd Fellows Info!

Here are more official Odd Fellows links. Find a lodge near you! Check out the organization on Facebook or Instagram! On other Social Media forums! Blogs! Podcasts! Books! Wow!

Ask Me I May Know

Ask Me I May KnowVisit the post for more.


As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie Machado

Sycamore #129Communications Committee

Newsletter June 2024

Hi, friends. Here’s your Sycamore Odd Fellows lodge newsletter for June 2024. There are several events this month. The 2024 lodge calendar is on the lodge website here. (It’s in jpg/pdf format…we could use someone who knows how to put it into Google Calendar – if you have a bit of time to volunteer, please respond to this email.)


Game Night is Sat. 6/1 at 6 pm

Game Night meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. Come enjoy some fun games and friendship! See flyer below or the Facebook Event here: 

Monthly Open Game Night at Hayward IOOF


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 6/10 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Sarah Hartman  or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Peace & Pizza Fri. 6/14 at 7 pm Online 

with special speaker on Gaza, Dr. Paul Larudee

Peace & Pizza meets monthly, always on the second Friday of the month. This month is going to be fully Online (Zoom) meeting. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger. If you would like the Zoom link, email Stephania at . 


3 O’Clock Jump at the Turf Club Sat 6/15 at 2-4 pm

The fabulous 3 O’Clock Jump big band will be playing in the World Famous Turf Club‘s outdoor Tiki Patio one Saturday a month all Summer! Come enjoy the afternoon, watch some fellow lodge members play music, and have a refreshing beverage. It’s a lovely way to spend an afternoon. Here’s a photo from a prior year, and also their flyer, below.


Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications Zoom Sycamore Member Frank Goulart  continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Sovereign Grand Lodge NewsWant to know more about Odd Fellows? What is Sovereign Grand Lodge, you ask? Well, as you know, Sycamore #129 is a local Hayward lodge. Then there is a state-level lodge, which is called Grand Lodge of California – their website is here. The level above that is Sovereign Grand Lodge. Here is their newsletter. You are part of a large fellowship!


IOOF NEWSVisit the post for more.


More Official Odd Fellows Info!

Here are more official Odd Fellows links. Find a lodge near you! Check out the organization on Facebook or Instagram! On other Social Media forums! Blogs! Podcasts! Books! Wow!

Ask Me I May Know

Ask Me I May KnowVisit the post for more.


As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 

Julie Machado

Sycamore #129

Communications Committee