All posts by Julie Machado

Newsletter April 2024

Hi, friends. Here’s your Sycamore Odd Fellows lodge newsletter for April 2024. There are several events this month. The 2024 lodge calendar is on the lodge website here. (It’s in jpg/pdf format…we could use someone who knows how to put it into Google Calendar – if you have a bit of time to volunteer, please respond to this email.).


Quarterly Magazine now onlineHere’s a link to the statewide quarterly Odd Fellows and Rebekah magazine. In particular for this issue, check out page 5 for the Three Links Camp, which is a lovely place. They have openings for kids 7-14 this year. They also have a yearly “Work Week”, which is great fun. Sycamore has photos of the camp on our website here

Link to the magazine:




Game Night Sat. 4/6 at 6-10 pm

The next lodge Game Night meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. Come enjoy some fun games and friendship! See flyer below.  

NOTE: We need one or more members to volunteer to be in charge of the May Game Night. If you are interested, reply to this newsletter.


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 4/8 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Sarah Hartman  or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Peace & Pizza Fri. 4/12 at 7 pm Live & Online!

Peace & Pizza meets monthly, always on the second Friday of the month. This is going to be a joint IN-PERSON and Online (Zoom) meeting. Bring your dinner, or something to share, and come together in community! They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger. If you would like the Zoom link, email Stephania at . 


Lodge Clean-up Day Sat. 4/13 at 1:30

We are coming together for a lodge cleanup day on Saturday 4/13/24 starting at 1:30 pm, to spiff up the place for upcoming events. Please come down and help or cheer! Items needed: Volunteers and refreshments!


Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications via Zoom 

Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Hayward Lit Hop Sat. 4/27 at 2-8 pm This is the 3rd Annual Hayward Lit Hop. Sycamore is excited to again be participating as a location for readings, and also as the host for the After Party at 7 pm. See more details at Hayward Lit Hop – Saturday April 27, 2024 . We are looking for Sycamore members who are willing to volunteer for some or all of the event, as guides to help people around the building.

Hayward Lit Hop – Saturday April 27, 2024

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie Machado

Sycamore #129

Communications Committee, Chair

Newsletter March 2024

Hi, friends. Here’s your Sycamore Odd Fellows lodge newsletter for March 2024. There are several events this month.

The 2024 lodge calendar is on the lodge website here. (It’s in jpg/pdf format…we could use someone who knows how to put it into Google Calendar – if you have a bit of time to volunteer, please respond to this email.).


Game Night Sat. 3/2 at 6-10 pm

The next lodge Game Night meets on the first Saturday of the month from 6-10 pm at the lodge. Come enjoy some fun games and friendship! See flyer below.  


EBYO Concert Sun. 3/3 at 4 pm 

Everyone is welcome to attend the East Bay Youth Orchestra Spring Concert on Sunday March 3 at 4 pm at the Douglas Morrisson Theater, 22311 N 3rd St, Hayward, CA 94546. See their Facebook event here:


Peace & Pizza Fri. 3/8 at 7 pm via Zoom

Peace & Pizza meets monthly, always on the second Friday of the month. This is going to be the first IN-PERSON meeting since the pandemic! Bring your dinner, or something to share, and come together in community! They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger. This meeting will also be hybrid, so if you would like the Zoom link, email her at . 


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 3/11 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meeting is always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Sarah Hartman  or Secretary Laura Brady  know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications Zoom 

Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 

Julie Machado

Sycamore #129

Communications Committee, Chair

Newsletter January 2024

Hi, friends. Happy 2024!

The draft 2024 lodge calendar is on the lodge website here. (It’s in jpg/pdf format…we could use someone who knows how to put it into Google Calendar – if you have a bit of time to volunteer, please respond to this email.).
Here’s some upcoming lodge events, as well as an interesting post by former Past Grand Master of California regarding some good ideas for Odd Fellow lodges.


Game Night Sat. 2/3 at 5:30-9:30 pm

The next lodge Game Night meets on Saturday 2/3 from 5:30-9:30 pm at the lodge. Come enjoy some fun games and friendship! See flyer below.  


Peace & Pizza Fri. 2/9 at 7 pm via Zoom

Peace & Pizza meets monthly on Zoom, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger. If you would like the Zoom link, email her at 


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 2/12 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Sarah Hartman or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications

Zoom Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Below is a letter sent out today from Dave Rosenberg, Past Grand Master, to his Dedicated Members for Change group, with some good suggestions for lodges. Sycamore Member Frank Goulart wanted to share it with all members, so I’m including it in our newsletter.

Dear Dedicated Members for Change,

The passwords, signs, grip and ritual of IOOF are at the heart of Odd Fellowship.   However, fraternal life is not just about memorizing passwords and reading passages from a little red book.   If Odd Fellowship fails to engage men and women in the coming generations and if Odd Fellowship fails to reach out into the community to do good works, it will surely continue to diminish and fail itself.

So, in this DMC Newsletter, I will endeavor to offer 5 suggestions to open the doors and windows of your Lodge to the world, to encourage new members to join the Lodge, and to bring fun and satisfaction to Lodge members.   Certainly, not every one of my suggestions will work for your Lodge or your community.   But it is my hope that these suggestions will spark discussions at your Lodge, and those discussions will foster positive changes.   So, here we go:

1.  Cosmetics.  No, I’m not talking about make-up and eye liner.   I’m talking about sprucing up the building that you call the Lodge Hall.  Some Lodges have (regrettably) neglected their halls for years (sometimes decades) and that’s a darn shame.   But I am not talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars in repairs and upgrades.   That’s not feasible for most Lodges.   But ALL Lodges can do a thorough cleaning, a little painting, and some repairs.   Having pride in the Lodge Hall is important, particularly if you wish to attract new members.  Notwithstanding the aphorism to the contrary, most people DO judge a book by its cover.

2.  Open House.  Find an excuse to have an open house, at least once a year, for your family, friends and the community.   There are many occasions when your Lodge could have an open house, but one easy one would be to celebrate the anniversary of your Lodge’s institution (the day you got your charter).   That can readily  be turned into an historical event.   We should not keep our doors and windows closed to the community.   We are part of that community, and it is the community from which we draw our members.  

3.  Community Project.  Every Lodge should have at least one community project.  It is good for your town, and it makes your members feel good.  I recommend you dedicate a portion of a Lodge meeting to a discussion and consensus on picking a community project that can engage the Lodge.   Let your imagination be your guide.  A community project will increase the visibility of your Lodge within the community – and that can only be a good thing.

4.  Encourage the Oddness.  There are several theories about how we got our fraternal name:  “Odd Fellows”.   None of use really know which theory is real, because we weren’t there.   But whatever the reason, we are now known as Odd Fellows.   So let’s go with it.   Let’s embrace our “oddness”.   It gives us a distinction among fraternal orders.   There are many subtle ways your Lodge can embrace your Oddness.   For example, when you schedule events, don’t set them to start at 7:30 p.m. – instead, start them at 7:31 p.m.  Have “odd events” like an “OddtoberFest”.   Bottom line: have fun with your oddness.  

5.  A Weekly Gathering.   If your Lodge can manage it, try to have a weekly social event.   Over and apart from your Lodge meetings where you employ ritual and discuss the business of your Lodge, consider organizing a once-a-week social event at the Lodge Hall.   It can be as simple a a weekly card night, or a weekly game night, or a weekly potluck.  Members need an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company as brothers and sisters.  Let’s get into the fraternal spirit so that the Lodge can be a home away from home, and an escape from the tumult and turmoil of the world. 

F – L – T

Dave Rosenberg
Past Grand Master
Jurisdiction of California

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie Machado

Sycamore #129

Communications Committee, Chair

Newsletter December 2023

Hi, friends. We are very excited to announce that one of our premier events is baaack – scroll to the bottom of this newsletter for the announcement of our 2023 Pre New Year Party!  (It’s only at the bottom due to my chronological listing of items.)

Sycamore Trustees Meeting TONIGHT Wed. 12/6 at 7 pm via Zoom

Members and guests are welcome to attend the next Sycamore Trustees meeting on Wed. 11/8 at 7 pm via Zoom. We try to keep the meeting to no more than one hour. Agenda items are generally issues that affect our lodge building. If you would like the Zoom link, please let Julie know at


Peace & Pizza Fri. 12/8 at 7 pm via Zoom

Peace & Pizza meets monthly on Zoom, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger. If you would like the Zoom link, email her at 


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 12/11 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Ted Seitz or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications

Zoom Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


10th Annual Pre New Year Party! Fri. 12/19/2023

After 3 years of hiatus, our premier event is baaaack! A little scaled down, but we are so excited! This will be in person at the lodge.

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie Machado

Sycamore #129Communications Committee, Chair 

Newsletter November 2023

Hi, friends. We hope to see you either in person or virtually at one of our events this month! Please put our Events on your calendar and join us! (scroll down for calendar or see attached)

Looking for Volunteers to support your Lodge

We have many opportunities for you to dip your toe in to help! This is a way to get to know other lodge members, too! Support and training is available, if you are new to taking a position.

We have one or two Trustee positions that are open: the five Trustees meet usually once a month for an hour (often on Zoom) and are mainly in charge of deciding on and recommending to the lodge on issues regarding our beautiful lodge building. This would be a 2-3 year position (but it’s ok to try it for a year and see if you like it).
Also, we re-elect our Noble Grand (what most organizations call a President), Vice Grand (i.e. Vice President), Secretary and Treasurer every year in December. These positions are really important, and keep our lodge running. 

Every year we need people to fill appointed positions such as Inside Guardian, Outside Guardian, Warden, Chaplain, Right Supporter, and Left Supporter, which sometimes involve reading lines at the monthly lodge meeting (and sitting in the big chairs, when we meet in person); these are yearly positions. 

Finally, our Communications Committee could use someone who knows a bit about keeping a WordPress website updated, and/or connecting it to (and updating) an online calendar.If you are interested or willing to try any of these positions, or want to know more, please respond to this email or contact  our Noble Grand Ted Seitzat 


Sycamore Trustees Meeting Wed. 11/8 at 7 pm via Zoom

Members and guests are welcome to attend the next Sycamore Trustees meeting on Wed. 11/8 at 7 pm via Zoom. We try to keep the meeting to no more than one hour. Agenda items are generally issues that affect our lodge building. If you would like the Zoom link, please let Julie know at


Peace & Pizza Fri. 11/10 at 7 pm via Zoom

Peace & Pizza meets monthly on Zoom, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger. If you would like the Zoom link, email her at 


100K Trees Event
Our friends at Starr King UU Church, Kumu Hula Assoc. and Eden Garden Club invite everyone to this event on Sat. Nov. 11 from 1-3 pm. See flyer for details. Thank you to member Cheryl Kojina for sharing this.


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 11/13 at 6:30/7:30 pmOur monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Ted Seitz or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Weekly Every T&Th: Requests & Dedications Zoom Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 

2023 Sycamore Events & Activities Calendar
Join us for some fun events this year! Add these to your calendar. See calendar below and attached.

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, 
Julie Machado

Sycamore #129

Communications Committee, Chair 

Newsletter October 2023

Hi, friends. We hope to see you either in person or virtually at one of our events this month! Please put our Events on your calendar and join us! (scroll down for calendar or see attached)

Social & Business Meeting Mon. 10/9 at 6:30/7:30 pmOur monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Also, our Deputy District Grand Master – and Sycamore Associate Member – Jon Hart, will be making an official visit this month. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Ted Seitz or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I (Julie) will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Peace & Pizza Fri. 10/13 at 7 pm
Peace & Pizza meets monthly on Zoom, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger. If you would like the Zoom link, email her at 


Weekly Every T & Th: Requests & Dedications Zooms
Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Sat. 10/21: 3OJ at the Turf Club 1-4 pm

Sycamore’s resident big band 3 O’Clock Jump will play at the nearby Turf Club outdoor Tikki lounge from 1-4 pm (weather permitting). The location is 22519 Main St, Hayward, CA 94541 – right across the parking lot from the lodge building. There is no cover charge, and you can purchase a variety of delicious beverages. This is a lovely way to spend a Saturday afternoon, folks. Questions? Contact Sycamore member Gus Wedemeyer at 


East Bay Symphony Band Concert & Halloween Party!

On Sunday Oct. 29, the East Bay Symphonic Band will “scare up” some spooky musical numbers for their Halloween concert at IOOF Lodge #129 in Hayward!

— 6 to 9:30 pm

— Potluck Dinner

— Scary Stories

— Concert starts at 7:30 pm

— Costume Contest at intermission, kids & adults

— Dessert meet-and-greet post concert

— Open to all ages

— Children must be accompanied by an adult

IOOF Hall, 950 B St, Hayward: Entrance is in the rear. Hall is on 2nd floor; elevator is available.

Or see more kid-friendly flyer below:


Sycamore Anniversary Toast
Join us for a Zoom toast to our 157th Anniversary!

2023 Sycamore Events & Activities Calendar
Join us for some fun events this year! Add these to your calendar. See calendar below and attached.


Looking for Volunteers to support your Lodge

We currently have two Trustee positions that will be open: the five Trustees meet usually once a month for an hour (often on Zoom) and are mainly in charge of deciding on and recommending to the lodge on issues regarding our beautiful lodge building. This would be a 2-3 year position (but it’s ok to try it for a year and see if you like it).

Every year we need people to fill appointed positions such as Inside Guardian, Outside Guardian, Warden, Chaplain, Right Supporter, and Left Supporter, which sometimes involve reading lines at the monthly lodge meeting (and sitting in the big chairs, when we meet in person!); these are yearly positions. 

Also, we re-elect our Noble Grand, Vice Grand, Secretary and Treasurer every year in December. These positions are really important, and keep our lodge running.

Finally, our Communications Committee could use someone who knows a bit about keeping a WordPress website updated, and/or connecting it to (and updating) an online calendar.If you are interested or willing to try any of these positions, or want to know more, please respond to this email or contact  our Noble Grand Ted Seitzat 

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth,
Julie Machado

Sycamore #129Communications Committee, Chair

Newsletter September 2023

Hi, friends. We hope to see you either in person or virtually at one of our events this month! Please put our Events on your calendar and join us! (scroll down for calendar or see attached)

Peace & Pizza Fri. 9/8 at 7 pm
Peace & Pizza meets monthly on Zoom, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger. If you would like the Zoom link, email her at 

This month, they will take a look one of our stronger allies in the middle east…  Saudi Arabia Uncovered…A secret network of Activists  have put together  stunning undercover footage first shown on Frontline. Come sit a while  and share this revealing look at a side of the government rarely seen.


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 9/11 at 6:30/7:30 pm

Our monthly Lodge Social and Business meeting is always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Also, our Deputy District Grand Master – and Sycamore Associate Member – Jon Hart, will be making an official visit this month. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Ted Seitz or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I (Julie) will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Weekly Every Tues & Thurs: Requests & Dedications Zoom Hour

Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Sat. 9/23: 3OJ at the Turf Club 1-4 pm

Sycamore’s resident big band 3 O’Clock Jump will play at the nearby Turf Club outdoor Tikki lounge from 1-4 pm (weather permitting). The location is 22519 Main St, Hayward, CA 94541 – right across the parking lot from the lodge building. There is no cover charge, and you can purchase a variety of delicious beverages. This is a lovely way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Questions? Contact Sycamore member Gus Wedemeyer at 


Summer Concert Series has 2 Sept. concerts!

Music in the Park

Hot off the press! Here’s this summer’s Concert Series lineup. Sycamore members are invited and requested to come help represent the Odd Fellows at the concerts. Come hang out at the Odd Fellows tent! Plus, it’s a lovely relaxing way to spend a Sunday afternoon.


Game Night Returns Sat. Oct. 7!

Game Night at the lodge is on the first Saturday of the month. Watch the lodge website for more details.


2023 Sycamore Events & Activities Calendar
Join us for some fun events this year! Add these to your calendar. See calendar below and attached.


Looking for Volunteers to support your Lodge

We currently have two Trustee positions that will be open: the five Trustees meet usually once a month for an hour (often on Zoom) and are mainly in charge of deciding on and recommending to the lodge on issues regarding our beautiful lodge building. This would be a 2-3 year position (but it’s ok to try it for a year and see if you like it).

Every year we need people to fill appointed positions such as Inside Guardian, Outside Guardian, Warden, Chaplain, Right Supporter, and Left Supporter, which sometimes involve reading lines at the monthly lodge meeting (and sitting in the big chairs, when we meet in person!); these are yearly positions. 

Also, we re-elect our Noble Grand, Vice Grand, Secretary and Treasurer every year in December. These positions are really important, and keep our lodge running.

Finally, our Communications Committee could use someone who knows a bit about keeping a WordPress website updated, and/or connecting it to (and updating) an online calendar.If you are interested or willing to try any of these positions, or want to know more, please respond to this email or contact  our Noble Grand Ted Seitzat 

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth,

Julie Machado

Sycamore #129Communications Committee, Chair 

Newsletter August 2023

Hi, friends. We hope to see you either in person or virtually at one of our events this month! Please put our Events and Special Outings on your calendar and join us! (scroll down for calendar or see attached)

Sat. 8/5 at 2 pm Young Musicians Chamber Music Concert 
The Young Musicians Chamber Music Concert will be at the lodge on Saturday August 5 at 2 pm. Sycamore Members are invited to attend and/or help out at the rehearsals or concert. We need member volunteers to help the day of the concert – please contact Noble Grand Ted Seitz at


Summer Concert Series starts 8/6! Music in the Park

Hot off the press! Here’s this summer’s Concert Series lineup. Sycamore members are invited and requested to come help represent the Odd Fellows at the concerts. Come hang out at the Odd Fellows tent! Plus, it’s a lovely relaxing way to spend a Sunday afternoon.


Peace & Pizza Fri. 8/11 at 7 pm
Peace & Pizza meets monthly on Zoom, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger. If you would like the Zoom link, email her at 


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 8/14 at 6:30/7:30 pmOur monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Also, our Deputy District Grand Master – and Sycamore Associate Member – Jon Hart, will be making an official visit this month. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Ted Seitz or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I (Julie) will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Weekly Every Tues & Thurs: Requests & Dedications Zoom Hour
Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). Come to talk and laugh and enjoy some music and friendship.  If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 

Special Outing: Wed. 8/16 at 11:30 am Outdoor Lunch/Coffee at CV Marketplace (buy your own)

In honor of National Friendship Week let’s meet at the Castro Valley Marketplace and have a visit & outdoor coffee/lunch! No host (buy your own) Meet at:3295 Castro Valley Blvd, Castro Valley on Wednesday August 16 at 11:30 am Everyone is welcome. Come be Odd with us!


Sat. 8/19: 3OJ at the Turf Club 1-4 pm

Sycamore’s resident big band 3 O’Clock Jump will play at the nearby Turf Club outdoor Tikki lounge from 1-4 pm (weather permitting). The location is 22519 Main St, Hayward, CA 94541 – right across the parking lot from the lodge building. There is no cover charge, and you can purchase a variety of delicious beverages. This is a lovely way to spend a Saturday afternoon, folks. Questions? Contact Sycamore member Gus Wedemeyer at 


Cupertino Lodge “Triple Links” Newsletter & Calendar
Our nearby Cupertino Lodge puts out a great newsletter and calendar…they are attached so you can check them out. Here’s their August Calendar:

2023 Sycamore Events & Activities Calendar
Join us for some fun events this year! Add these to your calendar. See calendar below and attached.


2023 Sycamore Special Outings Calendar
If you like to get out and about, these may be the activities for you. Add these to your calendar. See calendar below and attached.


Looking for Volunteers to support your Lodge

We currently have a Trustee position that is open: the five Trustees meet usually once a month for an hour (often on Zoom) and are mainly in charge of deciding on and recommending to the lodge on issues regarding our beautiful lodge building. This would be a 2-3 year position (but it’s ok to try it for a year and see if you like it).

Every year we need people to fill appointed positions such as Inside Guardian, Outside Guardian, Warden, Chaplain, Right Supporter, and Left Supporter, which sometimes involve reading lines at the monthly lodge meeting (and sitting in the big chairs, when we meet in person!); these are yearly positions. 
Also, we re-elect our Noble Grand, Vice Grand, Secretary and Treasurer every year in December. These positions are really important, and keep our lodge running.
Finally, our Communications Committee could use someone who knows a bit about keeping a WordPress website updated, and/or connecting it to (and updating) an online calendar.If you are interested or willing to do any of these positions, or want to know more, please respond to this email or contact  our Noble Grand Ted Seitzat 

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, and may 2023 be gentle on us all,

Julie Machado

Sycamore #129Communications Committee, Chair

Newsletter July 2023

Hi, friends. We hope to see you either in person or virtually at one of our events this month! Please put our Events and Special Outings on your calendar and join us! (scroll down for calendar links)

Game Night! Sat. 7/8 5-9:30 pm
Games! Snacks! Friendship! Fun and also Fund-raising for needed building repairs. Bring your own board game (or VR headset) or use one of ours.  


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 7/10 at 6:30/7:30 pmOur monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. Also, our Deputy District Grand Master – and Sycamore Associate Member – Jon Hart, will be making an official visit this month. Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Ted Seitz or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I (Julie) will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Weekly Every Tues & Thurs: Requests & Dedications Zoom Hour
Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30pm and Thursdays 2-4pm! (Pacific time). If you would like to get on his email list so you get the the Zoom link, email Frank at . Let him know requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Peace & Pizza Fri. 7/14 at 7 pm
Peace & Pizza meets monthly on Zoom, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger. If you would like the Zoom link, email her at 


Sat. 7/15: 3OJ at the Turf Club 1-4 pmSycamore’s resident big band 3 O’Clock Jump will play at the nearby Turf Club outdoor Tikki lounge from 1-4 pm (weather permitting). The location is 22519 Main St, Hayward, CA 94541 – right across the parking lot from the lodge building. There is no cover charge, and you can purchase a variety of delicious beverages. This is a lovely way to spend a Saturday afternoon, folks. Questions? Contact Sycamore member Gus Wedemeyer at

Special Outing: Fri. 7/21 at 1pmGhirardelli Ice Cream & Chocolate Factory Outlet 

Let’s celebrate National Ice Cream Month by visiting the Ghirardelli Ice Cream & Chocolate Factory Outlet! Meet there, at 1111 139th Ave, San Leandro CA 94578 on Friday July 21 at 1pm for no-host (pay for your own) chocolate shopping and ice cream.  Everyone is welcome. Come be Odd with us!


Young Musicians Chamber Music Program Rehearsals Begin 

Young Musicians Chamber Music Program Rehearsals are scheduled to happen at the lodge on 7/24,7/26, 7/28, 7/31, 

8/2, and 8/4. There will be a Youth Chamber Music Concert at the lodge on Saturday August 5 at 2 pm. Sycamore Members are invited to attend and/or help out at the rehearsals or concert – it is always helpful to have members available to point out the bathrooms, monitor guests, etc. For more information, contact Noble Grand Ted Seitz at or see here


Summer Concert Series! Music in the Park

Hot off the press! Here’s this summer’s Concert Series lineup. Sycamore members are invited and requested to come help represent the Odd Fellows at the concerts. Plus, it’s a lovely relaxing way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

2023 Sycamore Events & Activities Calendar
Join us for some fun events this year! Add these to your calendar. See calendar here.


2023 Sycamore Special Outings Calendar
If you like to get out and about, these may be the activities for you. Add these to your calendar. See calendar here


Looking for Volunteers to support your Lodge

We currently have a Trustee position that is open: the five Trustees meet usually once a month for an hour (often on Zoom) and are mainly in charge of deciding on and recommending to the lodge on issues regarding our beautiful lodge building. This would be a 2-3 year position (but it’s ok to try it for a year and see if you like it).

Every year we need people to fill appointed positions such as Inside Guardian, Outside Guardian, Warden, Chaplain, Right Supporter, and Left Supporter, which sometimes involve reading lines at the monthly lodge meeting (and sitting in the big chairs, when we meet in person!); these are yearly positions. 

Also, we re-elect our Noble Grand, Vice Grand, Secretary and Treasurer every year in December. These positions are really important, and keep our lodge running.

Finally, our Communications Committee could use someone who knows a bit about keeping a WordPress website updated, and/or connecting it to (and updating) an online calendar.If you are interested or willing to do any of these positions, or want to know more, please respond to this email or contact  our Noble Grand Ted Seitzat 

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth,
Julie MachadoSycamore #129Communications Committee, Chair

Newsletter June 2023

Hi, friends. We hope to see you either in person or virtually at one of our events this month! Please put all our Events and Special Outings on your calendar and join us! (scroll down for calendar or see attached)

Game Night! Sat. 6/2 from 5-9:30 pm
Games! Snacks! Friendship! Fun and also Fund-raising for needed building repairs. Bring your own board game (or VR headset) or use one of ours.  Consider carpooling, as parking might be tight due to a Latin Jazz Festival happening downtown until 7 pm.


New Weekly Every Tues: Requests & Dedications Zoom Hour
Sycamore Member Frank Goulart continues to recover from his 2020 stroke, but he still plays guitar – and he invites everyone to a weekly “Request & Dedications” Zoom social on Tuesdays at 12:30-1:30! (Pacific time). If you would like the Zoom link, email him at . Email him (ahead of time, if possible) requests for any songs you would like him to play. 


Peace & Pizza Fri. 6/9 at 7 pm
Peace & Pizza meets monthly on Zoom, always on the second Friday of the month. They usually feature a discussion, guest speaker or documentary, organized by Sycamore Member Stephania Widger. If you would like the Zoom link, email her at 


Social & Business Meeting Mon. 6/12 at 6:30/7:30 pmOur monthly Lodge Social and Business meetingis always on the second Monday of the month – the Social starts at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30. This will be a hybrid meeting – a combination of in-person and Zoom, so you can choose how to attend. . Come visit and say hi for a bit, or stay and find out what is going on at the business meeting.  Let Noble Grand Ted Seitz or Secretary Laura Brady know if you have an item that you wish the lodge to discuss. I will send out the agenda and all the additional items to members via a separate email on Monday.


Sat. 6/17: 3OJ at the Turf Club 1-4 pm
Sycamore’s resident big band 3 O’Clock Jump will play at the nearby Turf Club outdoor Tikki lounge from 1-4 pm (weather permitting). The location is 22519 Main St, Hayward, CA 94541 – right across the parking lot from the lodge building. There is no cover charge, and you can purchase a variety of delicious beverages. This is a lovely way to spend a Saturday afternoon, folks. Questions? Contact Sycamore member Gus Wedemeyer at

Special Outing: Carlos Bee Park Fri. 6/23 at Noon

Let’s celebrate the Great Outdoors Month by visiting a local park! Meet at Carlos Bee Park on Friday June 23 at Noon for a short walk and exploration. The address is 1905 Grove Way, Hayward. This is a Hayward Area Recreation District (HARD) facility. There is free admission and free parking (parking is limited, so there is additional parking on the street).  Everyone is welcome. Come be Odd with us!

2023 Sycamore Events & Activities Calendar!
Join us for some fun events this year! Add these to your calendar. See calendar below and attached.


2023 Sycamore Special Outings Calendar!
If you like to get out and about, these may be the activities for you. Add these to your calendar. See calendar below and attached.


Looking for Volunteers to support your Lodge

We currently have a Trustee position that is open: the five Trustees meet usually once a month for an hour (often on Zoom) and are mainly in charge of deciding on and recommending to the lodge on issues regarding our beautiful lodge building. This would be a 2-3 year position (but it’s ok to try it for a year and see if you like it).

Every year we need people to fill appointed positions such as Inside Guardian, Outside Guardian, Warden, Chaplain, Right Supporter, and Left Supporter, which sometimes involve reading lines at the monthly lodge meeting (and sitting in the big chairs, when we meet in person!); these are yearly positions. 

Also, we re-elect our Noble Grand, Vice Grand, Secretary and Treasurer every year in December. These positions are really important, and keep our lodge running.

Finally, our Communications Committee could use someone who knows a bit about keeping a WordPress website updated, and/or connecting it to (and updating) an online calendar.If you are interested or willing to do any of these positions, or want to know more, please respond to this email or contact  our Noble Grand Ted Seitzat 

As always, Friendship, Love & Truth, and may 2023 be gentle on us all,
Julie MachadoSycamore #129Communications Committee, Chair