Sycamore Lodge has a process that allows any two or more lodge members to move forward with proposed lodge “projects”.

Once two members declare they would like to be a committee and are interested in pursuing a particular project, the project goes onto the lodge list of projects. That committee is then empowered to move forward with their project.
Regular written (or verbal) committee reports are expected to be given to other lodge members at the monthly business meetings. If the project requires any funding, the committee can complete a Funding Application.
Here is a list of the current approved lodge projects – yes, there are a lot of them! Not all of them are active, however, as we need more people to help turn them into reality.

2020 ORGANIC PROJECT LIST, WITH THE PROVISION THAT this list be an organic list, defined as a list that could be added to by the Lodge at any regular meeting of the Lodge.
- Ninth Annual Young Musicians Chamber Music Recital Project – Cathy O’Connor, Ted Seitz
2. Eleventh Annual Sunday Music and Art in the Park Series Project (Memorial Park aka Plunge) (Sundays August – September) would involve odd fellow bands (that is, band’s with at least one odd fellow as a member) headlining with opening acts (or maybe the other way around as approved), art shown on the fences and in tents, dancers, thespian production, chess matches, HARD would allow donations to local 501 c 3 non-profits, and food would be provided by food donations to the local non-profit partner and odd fellows for the participants – concert series committee – Frank Goulart, Ben Goulart, Gary Howe, Dave Barry, Steve Schaefer
3. Eleventh Annual Celebration of our Lodge’s founding in 1866 Project – 154th Anniversary Celebration (Oct 30) – Frank Goulart, Julie Machado.
4. Eleventh Annual Dinners before Lodge meetings Project – 2020 Vice Grand Tom Silva, Laura Brady, Gary Howe, Frank Goulart

5. Eleventh Annual Email Newsletter Project – Julie Machado, Frank Goulart
6. Eleventh Annual Saturday rehearsal Project – Three O’clock Jump – Gus Wedemeyer, Laura Brady,
7. Eleventh Annual First Sunday Good Fellowship jam Project – Frank Goulart, Gary Howe
8. Eleventh Annual Tuesday rehearsal night Project – Ben Goulart, John Ojeda
9. Tenth Annual Live Initiation Team Project – presents a live initiation in April and October. ALL MEMBERS INVITED TO ATTEND; THIRD DEGREE MEMBERS URGED TO PARTICIPATE. Instruction Committee – Frank Goulart, Gary Howe, Ben Goulart, Ted Seitz, Dave Barry, Rick Bragge, Cheryl Kojina
10. Dining Club Project – Cheryl Kojina, Kevin McNair
11. La Honda Music Camp Project – Marvin Bowerman, Julie Machado

12. Odyssey of the Mind Project – Frank Goulart, Julie Machado
13. Hiking Club Project – Al Murdach, Frank Goulart
14. Costume and Halloween Party Project – Kevin McNair, Cheryl Kojina
15. Young Muralist Project – Ben Goulart, Frank Goulart

16. Thursday rehearsal Project – What’s Up Big Band – Mike Dee , Frank Goulart
17. Jazz Jam Night Project – Kevin McNair, Cheryl Kojina
18. Survey the paperwork and records of the lodge Project – Frank Goulart, Dave Barry
19. Project Legacy – plant a tree each year – Julie Machado, Frank Goulart
20. Chess Club and Chess Tournament Project – Kerry Lawless, Frank Goulart

21. Tombstone Project – Al Murdach, Rick Bragge
22. Sycamore 129 Blues Band Third Sunday rehearsal Project – Gary Howe, Steve Schaefer
23. Game Room Stage and Acoustic Treatment Project – Ben Goulart, Frank Goulart
24. Nuevo Mundo #4 Project – Felipe Cornejo, Oscar Solorio